Three Things Tuesday

(1)  This is hilarious no matter what you believe.

(2)   “the Bible explains the mystery of Christ’s work in a whole ‘kaleidoscope’ of models, metaphors, theories or stories of salvation, each reflecting a different aspect of this very deep and far reaching problem of ‘sin’ in us and in this world” – Steve Burnhope.

For those of us who have struggled with reconciling the theory of penal substitution with a God of love the idea that there is more than one legitimate atonement theory is a sigh of relief.

Check out this article:

Steve Burnhope: “Culture, Worldview and the Cross: Penal Substitutionary Atonement and 21st Century Mission”

(3)  I thought this was an interesting graph showing the National Debt as a percent of GDP.   Not only does it give a better perspective of our national debt than just throwing a dollar figure out there but I thought it was surprising to find out that the National Debt as a percent of GDP has increased mostly under the Republican Party during the last 60 years.

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