It’s a new year and time to make some new mistakes

This post is part of the January 2014 Synchroblog: New Beginnings. You will find a list of links to all the synchroblog posts for the month at the end of this post. neil-gaiman-quote

It’s a new year, a fresh start, a blank slate, a second chance, a new opportunity.

The future is yours, the possibilities are endless, a place where dreams can come true.

So, what are you going to do with it?


I’m going to make some new mistakes!

That may not sound like a very good plan for the new year at first glance because we usually think of mistakes as something we want to avoid – as something that indicates failure.  But Neil Gaiman turns the idea of making mistakes on it’s head and encourages us to see mistakes in a different light.


After all, it’s usually the fear of failure that keeps us from trying something new – from being our real self – from creating – from making something happen!

Gaiman challenges us to let go of those fears and be willing to take a few lumps because of the possibilities that await us – to be willing to get knocked down in the pursuit of making a difference – to take a chance of looking a little foolish for the sake of possibly finding our purpose.

So, yeah, I’m planning on making some new mistakes in 2013.

Will you join me?

Be sure and check out the other contributions to this month’s synchroblog:

Jen Bradbury – Enough

Abbie Watters – New Beginnings

Cara Strickland – Bursting

Carol Kuniholm – Acorns, King, Beloved Community

Done With Religion – A New Year, A New Beginning

Kelly Stanley – A Blank Canvas

Glenn Hager – Overcoming The Biggest Obstacle To Reaching Your Goals

Dave Criddle – Get Some New Thinking

David Derbyshire – Changed Priorities Ahead

J A Carter – The Year of Reading Scripture for the First Time

Damon – New Beginnings: Consider These 5 Questions Before Tying The Knot

Jeffrey Kranz – Where To Start Reading The Bible

Joanna990 – On survival – my one word for 2014

K W Leslie – Atonement

Happy – my One Word 365 surprise

Michelle Moseley – Ends and Beginnings

Matthew Bryant – A New Creation

Liz Dyer – It’s a new year and time to make some new mistakes

Edwin Pastor Fedex Aldrich – Foreclosed: The beginning of a new dream

Jennifer Clark Tinker – Starting a New Year Presently

Loveday Anyim – New Year New Resolutions

Loveday Anyim – New Year Resolution Dreamers

Loveday Anyim – New Year Resolution Specialists

Loveday Anyin – New Year Resolution Planners and Achievers

Jeremy Myers – Publish Your Book with Redeeming Press

Amy Hetland – New Beginnings

Phil Lancaster – New Beginnings

Mallory Pickering – Something Old, Something New

Margaret Boelman – The Other Side of Grief

Kathy Escobar – One Image

1 thought on “It’s a new year and time to make some new mistakes

  1. Loveday via Visionhub

    This is lovely. Making mistake is part of life and the best which brings out the twist is to make “calculated mistakes”, organised mistakes and mistakes that when you realise it, would make your life better.

    The greatest mistake satan made was to look at God and try to overthrow Him, he never realised his mistake and never went back to apologise and ask for forgiveness.

    Once we realise our mistakes, and have learnt our lessons, then the mistake becomes positive.
    I am prepared to make several mistakes this Year, so yes……. you have a member!!!!!


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